Understanding meaningful youth engagement

Understanding meaningful youth engagement - research study

The Second Lancet Commission on Adolescent Health and Wellbeing is working to understand youth perspectives on engagement within youth advisory councils/ boards/ groups, committees, or youth leadership groups.

The research team have created an online survey and interview questions to better understand youth members’ experiences, including facilitators and barriers to youth-led participation.

We need your help!

We are looking for current and past members of youth advisory councils/ boards/ groups, committees, or youth leadership groups to understand youth perspectives on engagement in research, programs, policy and practice.

To check if you are eligible to participate, please complete the Eligibility Questionnaire: https://tinyurl.com/bdzhv7wx – which takes less than 2 minutes to complete. If eligible, you’ll be automatically directed to complete the survey (which takes 20 minutes to complete).

The results will be aggregated and will not include any organizational or individual identifying information. We hope the information from this research study will help all of us to better understand different models of youth advisory councils across the globe but also develop recommendations for a model of meaningful youth engagement in programs, policy, and practice–and identify indicators for successful youth engagement.

The survey link will close September 30, please complete at your earliest convenience! 

As a thank you for completing the study, you will be entered into a raffle to win a cash prize of either $300, $200 or $100. Winners will be notified at the end of the study via email.

Feel free to email YACStudy@drexel.edu with any additional questions you might have.

Thank you in advance for your participation in this study and for the work that you do to support young people.