Upcoming events
Global, regional, and national prevalence of child and adolescent overweight and obesity, 1990–2021, with forecasts to 2050
13 Mar, 1:00 to 2:00 pm AEDT
In this session, Dr. Jess Kerr and Prof. Dot Dumuid will unveil groundbreaking data on overweight and obesity trends among 15-24 year-olds across 204 countries, with a special focus on the Asia-Pacific region.
Past events
Moving beyond data gaps
13 Feb, 1:00 to 2:00 pm AEDT
In this session, Professor Pete Azzopardi will provide a broad overview of the state of primary data for adolescent health, highlighting key knowledge gaps and the implications this has had for policy and practice.
Anxiety and depression across adolescence
5 Dec, 1:00 to 2:00 pm AEDT
Amid growing concerns about a youth ‘mental health crisis,’ understanding of how common mental disorders, such as depression and anxiety, evolve across adolescence is crucial to inform contemporary responses. This seminar will present findings from the Child to Adult Transition Study
How to CREYATE Partnerships in Research with Young People
7 Nov, 1:00 to 2:00 pm AEDT
Have you ever wondered about the journey of youth advocacy from inception to impact? In this session, we will delve into the essential phases of becoming a youth advocate, emphasizing the importance of collaboration with young people in research initiatives.
Using cross-sectoral data linkage to understand the health trajectories of socially excluded children and adolescents
3 Oct, 1:00 to 2:00 pm AEST
This webinar will briefly explain what cross-sectoral data linkage is, consider its advantages and disadvantages, and briefly describe two cross-sectoral data linkage studies of justice-involved adolescents in Australia.
An introduction to economic modelling: what it can and can’t do
4 July, 1:00 to 2:00 pm AEST
Join us for our online seminar as we explain why economic analyses are useful and how they can be included in research to increase the impact of the work.
From Surviving to Thriving: The Global Movement Starts Shifting
1 August, 1:00 to 2:00 pm AEST
This seminar will discuss the global movement from surviving to thriving, emphasizing the need to measure adolescent wellbeing and enable the understanding of current gaps and progress made.
Building capacity for global adolescent health
4 July, 1:00 to 2:00 pm AEST
This workshop style session will discuss the need for high-quality, youth-informed research to help drive investment in global adolescent health and highlight some of the CRE’s goals for building capacity for youth involvement in research.
Adolescent injury burden and prevention
6 June, 1:00 to 2:00 pm AEST
This seminar will examine the work of the injury stream of the CRE to quantify the global burden of injury and interpersonal violence experienced by adolescents, uncover the evidence to support investment in effective interventions, as well as the gaps.
The Forgotten Girls
2 May, 1:00 to 2:00 pm AEDT
Dr Farnaz Sabet and Ms Suchitra Rath will speak about the state of evidence for adolescent maternal health care in the Asia Pacific region, and some of the reasons why pregnant girls have been excluded from the research and policy space.
Driving responsive actions for adolescent health
4 April, 1:00 pm AEDT
Adolescent health needs vary substantially across our region, but also within countries by age, gender, ethnicity, remoteness and other factors. For health actions to be responsive to need, we need good quality data that defines these needs.
Adolescent mental health in Indonesia and Vietnam
7 March, 1:00 pm AEDT
The National Adolescent Mental Health Surveys (NAMHS) were nationally representative household surveys of mental disorders among adolescents aged 10-17 years in Kenya, Indonesia, and Vietnam. This session will focus on the why, how, and what of the NAMHS.
The Age of Adolescence
1 February, 1:00 pm AEDT
This session will provide the background of why adolescent health matters, describe the rationale for an expanded definition of adolescence, and provide the context for why adolescent health matters in our region.
Nourishing our future: young people’s opportunity to shape the future of food
This event will be an exciting presentation and panel discussion with leading youth advocates and thought leaders in adolescent health and nutrition.
#GBVChat Twitter chat
USAID-funded YouthPower Learning project will host a #GBVChat Twitter Chat on December 6, 2017.
Global Adolescent Conference
Missed attending this years Global Adolescent Health Conference in Ottawa? You can relive every moment of the conference via the CanWaCH YouTube Channel. All sessions – keynotes, plenaries and breakouts – are available to watch