IAAH seeking young professionals

IAAH Seeking Young Professionals

One of the most exciting developments for IAAH in 2018 is the creation of the Young Professionals Network and we are delighted to open applications to join our inaugural core leadership team. The mission of the Network is to create a community of students, trainees, healthcare providers, researchers, public health practitioners, advocates, and scientists who are interested in improving the health of adolescents locally, nationally, and globally. The group will provide a forum for members to share training opportunities in adolescent health, and will support networking, mentorship, and leadership development, for trainees and early career professionals.

As chairs of the IAAH Young Professionals Network, we are thrilled to engage with young professionals from around the world to promote adolescent health globally and in our respective regions. Young Professionals Network Officers and members will benefit from a strong professional network and mentorship from the IAAH Council leadership as well as have the opportunity to create academic content and educational opportunities for our global network. We aim to ensure that young people have a strong voice within the IAAH Council and that the aspirations of young professionals are central to its work. This is consistent with IAAH’s founding mission from 1987. Please consider joining us as one of our IAAH Young Professionals Network Officers!

The IAAH Young Professionals Network is now seeking Officers with opportunities to join the executive team as a Leadership & Mentorship Officer, Community Engagement Officer, Communications Officer or Education & Training Officer. Once the executive team is in place, there will be further opportunities to join committees.

For more information: http://www.iaah.org/index.php/trainee-section

Apply here

Deadline for submission is 9 November, 2018.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions about the roles via our email address: IAAHyoungprofessionals@gmail.com

Jason Nagata, Sophie Remoué Gonzales, and Natalie Yap

Co-Chairs, IAAH Young Professionals Network


This was adapted with permission from a newsletter article by Nicola Gray for the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine Newsletter.